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Tree of Movement: Digital Product/Experience (Copy)_FA23

Methodology: Innovation: 0–1

Collaboration: John Brumley

Question: What does it mean to challenge western notions of objectivity and what we usually associate with the documentation of an activity / site?

What if instead, inscription is driven by the value in performances, worldviews, and prioritizes resurgence?

I approached this thesis as a data visualization exploration which could allow Transmedia designers to not only challenge the existing knowledge of a phenomena, but to also experience the phenomena by generating data in real time. I conducted these experiments using low-tech methods to trace movements of dance, basketball, light/green screen, and digital notation to capture movement in Pranayama.

For the project, I have utilized a sample of Pranayama breathing regulation. The verbal notations and choreography for this composition can be found online at “The Art of Living” and scientifically at Healthline and Healthily me.

Tree of Movement

"The tree of movement" proposes an alternative visual experience to not only challenge the existing knowledge of a yoga phenomena, but to also experience the phenomena by generating data in real time, bridging the separated physical and digital world and constructing traces to avoid form being lost during yoga practice.

The word "tree" has been signified as the interface to the physical world for a long time. The project plays with the "tree" as a medium, hoping to pull the metaphor back from the physical to the digital, back to the mind and body.



By reconstituting the physical body with consistent physical/digital trace, the project aims to align users body form in the physical space to the digital body.


Physical Notation Trace

Digital Notation Trace





What are the capacities and what do they make possible?


I approached this thesis as a data visualization exploration which could allow Transmedia designers to not only challenge the existing knowledge of a phenomena, but to also experience the phenomena by generating data in real time. I conducted these experiments using low-tech methods to trace movements of dance, basketball, light/green screen, and digital notation to capture movement in Pranayama.

For the project, I have utilized a sample of Pranayama breathing regulation. The verbal notations and choreography for this composition can be found online at “The Art of Living” and scientifically at Healthline and Healthily me.


Thesis Process

Reconstructing the tracking technology framework

The project reconstructs the self-tracking technology from quantified self to alternative ways of using software capabilities.


Design Approach


Digital Notation Trace

The Tree to Connect Mind and Body

Physical Notation Trace

The Tree to Connect the Physical and Digital


Physical to Digital Trace

User could perform to build a balanced tree to bridge the physical and digital reality

User performs the physical gesture from the physical space as a tree of movement to observe the strength to form the digital notation trace.

User would notice flexibility through the segmentation of the tree of movement in the digital.

